Are FW updates free?
Yes, FW updates are completely free.
Yes, FW updates are completely free.
For PandwaRF and Rogue Family: no, this is not possible. Each product version is independent. For Marauder, yes you can [...]
No. We developed one iOS app 2 years ago, but it was a bad move as the Android App evolves [...]
Nordic or CC1111 are not planned to be open source. But we are working on "starter" code, like some basic [...]
The PandwaRF uses a cloud connection to check for FW updates, provide anonymous statistic data about crashes, ANR etc. This [...]
Possible applications include: Receive keyfobs transmission (car, alarm, gate opener, ...) Replay captured transmission from keyfobs Replay a modified captured [...]
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Well, partially. Some pieces are definitely open source (e.g. the #rfcat fork that we have made), and others will also [...]
PandwaRF can be paired with a smartphone & used immediately after unboxing.
ComThings provides: PandwaRF: Nordic Semiconductor nRF51822 Multiprotocol Bluetooth® low energy/2.4 GHz RF System on Chip with ARM® Cortex™-M0 Texas Instruments [...]