Dear users,

you may have noticed since a few months an increased release rate of our Android applications. We are now pushing several releases per month, for all products: PandwaRF Rogue and PandwaRF Marauder.

We have worked hard to add new features, improve usability, integrate app with Kaiju, or simply fix some annoying bugs.

Here is a recap of what changed in March 2021:


Previous config used (freq, modulation, data rate, …) is now restored automatically when app is started, which removes the burden to always re-enter the same capture parameters again and again.


You can now check your Kaiju remaining quota from the Kaiju account page added in the side menu.

Marauder to Rogue communication

PandwaRF Marauder (Standard/Ultimate) can now send their captured data to a PandwaRF Rogue (Pro/Gov) for analysis. The captured data is then loaded into the RX/TX page of the PandwaRF application and available for a replay attack or rolling code generation.

Spectrum Analyser

In the latest releases, Spectrum Analyser (SpecAn) usability has been greatly improved. Here are some of the new SpecAn features:

  • Frequency sliding
  • Highest RSSI autoselected
  • Automatic frequency finder

Have a look at the Spectrum Analyser improvements post.