We are happy to announce that from now on PandwaRF is also available for sale on Amazon.

You can currently find it on all the 5 European marketplaces: France, Germany, ItalySpain and UK, covering 27 European countries. Only one version is available, the PandwaRF + Antenna pack.

The price is the same as on our website and we encourage you to purchase on Amazon because of the faster and simpler shipping process.

Also, for orders placed on our website we occasionally request documents in order to confirm the buyers’ identity and we only accept orders from verified PayPal accounts. This is necessary for us to be covered in case of credit card fraud and these conditions do not exist on Amazon.

From now on we will progressively reduce the number of orders fulfilled directly by us in favor of our resellers. As a reminder, PandwaRF is also available from:

This way we will be able to focus on our most important task: improving PandwaRF and making sure everything works as expected 🙂