Improved real time pattern finding in the Android App!

PandwaRF can now display & highlight in real-time the codewords matching a known encoding/ciphering pattern.

When you capture some RF data in the RX/TX page, the captured payload is sent immediately from PandwaRF to the app using Bluetooth or USB.

If the captured data (whatever the format: binary/hexadecimal/duration) looks like a keyfob protocol known by PandwaRF, then the matching part (aka codeword) will be highlighted in a different color.

This is incredibly useful to quickly check the quality of your captured data.

If PandwaRF indicates it has found several codewords corresponding to KeeLoq or Nice FloR, you can be pretty sure that:

  1. your RF settings (frequency, modulation, deviation, data rate) are correct
  2. Kaiju will be able to decrypt the data and generate valid rolling codes


Let us know what you think of that feature and do not hesitate to tell us how we can improve it.

Hack safe!