We have started adding Kaiju support for aftermarket car alarms.
Most of these devices are car alarms from eastern countries.
The supported devices are listed here:
- APS 1100
- APS 2800
- Alligator D-810
- Alligator L330
- Alligator S-275
- Cenmax Vigilant v5
- Cenmax Vigilant v7
- Cenmax dop
- Guard RF-311A
- Mongoose 7000 RF
- Pantera SLK-645RS
- Pantera/Jaguar XS-1000/JX-1000
- Partisan RX-1
- Scherkhan Logicar 3-4
- Scherkhan Magicar 5
- Scherkhan Magicar 7
- Sheriff Aps 2400
- Sheriff ZX1060
- Starline A4
- Starline A6-A9
- Starline B6-B9
- Starline B9
- Tomahawk TW9010
- Tomahawk TZ9030
- Tomahawk Z5
You can always find an updated list here.
Please let us know if you would like any other model of car alarm supported by Kaiju, we will do our best to add it.