Dear users,

every week we improve PandwaRF Android application to make it easier to use.

This includes;

  • removing the burden of repetitive tasks
  • displaying clearer and better information about what task is PandwaRF or Kaiju currently processing
  • etc..

This week we have delivered the following features:

Kaiju Task Notifications

When you capture some RF data and send it to Kaiju for analysis (or decryption in case of KeeLoq Secure Decrypt), sometime it can take between a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the server load, your network connectivity, etc…

You will now be notified once the Kaiju task is complete by a system notification.


Better display of Bluetooth Secure Pairing status

Bluetooth pairing (aka bonding) can sometime be an issue if you use multiple phones to connect to your PandwaRF, because you may have activated the PandwaRF Un-authorized access protection security feature on one of these phones. Activating this feature on a given phone will cause PandwaRF connections to be rejected for all other phones. This is not a bug. This feature is made to protect you from anyone connecting to your PandwaRF.

You will now have an easier way to know from the toolbar if you phone is paired to your PandwaRF, and thus know if someone else can connect to your PandwaRF, or just you.

PandwaRF not paired – connection open to anyonePandwaRF paired – only your phone can connect

More information how to enable or disable this feature.


More precise received data fingerprinting

PandwaRF was already able to display the type of encoding (Manchester, PWM, …) & encryption (KeeLoq, Nice FloR, etc…) of the received signal.

Now PandwaRF will also indicate how many codewords it has received, and among all of these, how many are distinct codewords.

For example, the following indication given when capturing data:

“Pattern found: KeeLoq 66 PWM (rolling code) x13, Distinct codewords: 5”


  • 13x codewords of type KeeLoq with 66 bits of data, encoded in PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) have been found
  • Among these 13 codewords, 5 are uniques, and 8 are duplicates which will be ignored by Kaiju

Why are distinct codewords important?

Using different codewords is important for Kaiju to decrypt captured data more accurately. Sending 10x identical codewords to Kaiju will have the same result as sending only one unique codeword. This may lead to false positive results and Kaiju returning a wrong name, model, serial number and sync counter.

We have observed the following:

  • with 1 codeword, Kaiju has 60% of probability to decrypt the data correctly.
  • with 2 codewords, Kaiju has 99% of probability to decrypt the data correctly.

The colored fingertip icon (orange/green) is here to indicate the decoding/decryption result.

Data decoded correctlyData decrypted correctly


Do you find these improvements usefull? Please let us know what other improvements you would like to see next.