Dear PandwaRF users,

long time without news form us, but we were quite busy working on cool features!

Here are the latest PandwaRF Rogue features released in Jan/Feb/Mar 2024.

Absolute RSSI threshold

Frequency Finder & Spectrum Analyser

When searching for a frequency, you can now configure the minimum RSSI level that will trigger a found frequency peak.

This is useful in noisy environments, where the noise level is quite high (above -70 dBm or higher).

When RSSI Threshold for Frequency Finder is activated, any RSSI peak below the selected absolute threshold will be ignored.

The same RSSI threshold feature is also available for Spectrum analyser with similar behaviour.

Note: configurable FF/SpecAn RSSI threshold is only available for PandwaRF Rogue. For PandwaRF (regular), the RSSI threshold is fixed to -80dBm.

On Kaiju you have the possibility to rename a remote to give it a memorable and friendly name. You can also add a comment to better identify what the RF capture or remote corresponds to.

This name and comment information is now reflected also in the PandwaRF Android application.

RX data Chunk Split reason is now indicated

A few months ago we introduced a feature called Automatic splitting of RX data into data chunks, with captured data being presented as separated codewords, for better visualization of the rolling codes.

PandwaRF now also indicates the reason why there was a split in presented data?

Reason for a split can be:

  • many consecutive zeros were received,
  • too many time between 2 RF packets received,
  • maximum chunk size has been reached,
  • a pulse (‘0’ or ‘1’) longer than 20ms has been detected.

Possibility to associate multiple patterns found in a RX chunk

As you have already noticed, the captured RX data is now split into RX chunks. A chunk is typically a consecutive sequence of data (i.e. a codeword).

PandwaRF then analyses these chunks and display information about the rolling/fixed code. In previous PandwaRF versions, only one analysis was done per chunk, which was sometime not enough because a chunk can match several brands/manufactures formats.

From now on, PandwaRF will display all the patterns associated to a chunk. Clicking on a proposed pattern will highlight the captured data accordingly, to show you where in the data is the pattern match.


Ringtone played when a known pattern is found

When capturing data, the PandwaRF Android app will highlight the data corresponding to the known pattern (can be binary, hexadecimal, pulse duration) & emit a short notification sound to indicate a known data pattern (Eg. known rolling code format like KeeLoq) has been detected.

QR code scanning as new sign in method

You can now link your Kaiju account with your PandwaRF Android app using QR code. Your custom QR code will be displayed in your Kaiju profile page. This will ensure your PandwaRF app has the correct settings when sending data to Kaiju.