Dear PandwaRF users,

here are the latest features released in October 2023. We have made many improvements, bug fixes, and we think overal the user experience is much better.

PandwaRF to Kaiju association

When scanning for a PandwaRF device to connect to, a Kaiju icon now indicates if this PandwaRF is associated to your Kaiju account.

RX data analysis

  • Captured RX data is now split into separate data chunks. The split decision is customizable and done based on:
    • delay between received data
    • length (in bytes) of captured data
  • Captured RX data is now analyzed locally chunk per chunk and not as a whole. This allows separation of patterns within a captured data, very useful to isolate a specific capture from unwanted data.
  • Any chunk of data that you consider as not useful can also be deleted to only keep the valid data in the RX session.
  • Each chunk can be sent to Kaiju separately or grouped with other chunks. Kaiju analysis result is now hosted in each chunk.
  • RX data chunks can now be expanded/collapsed.

Highlighted patterns in RX pulse mode

When PandwaRF identifies a known RF protocol (KeeLoq, Chamberlain, …) among data pulses, the corresponding pulse sequence is highlighted. Since PandwaRF already has support for pattern highlight in binary or hexadecimal mode, the pattern highlight feature is now available in all modes (bin/hex/pulse).

RSSI Threshold

Spectrum analyzer

When using the spectrum analyzer with automatic frequency band detection (433/868/915/…), you can now set a minimum RSSI* threshold (in dBm) to trigger the band selection. The PandwaRF SpecAn will not switch to a frequency band until the measured RSSI is above that value. This will allow better control in a noisy environnement.

*: The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) value is an estimate of the signal power present in a received radio signal.

RX mode

When capturing data, PandwaRF now has the capacity to start capturing data only when the RSSI is above an absolute RSSI threshold, configurable from -64 to -93 dBm.

Improved Nordic FW update

The Nordic chip (main PandwaRF’s microprocessor) firmware update has been redesign and now contains automatic PandwaRF V3/V4 detection.

This solves the failing DFU (Device Firmware Update) issue for Nordic that occurred on some phones, and prevented the Nordic chip to be updated. Firmware update can now be seamless or may require user to open the PandwaRF enclosure. Detailed FW update procedure can be found here and here.

Nordic FW update PandwaRF V4 Nordic FW update PandwaRF V3 Â