We uploaded a demo video showing how the data rate measurement feature works for the PandwaRF Rogue family (Pro and Gov). For the demo we used a PandwaRF Rogue Gov, but it works the same with a PandwaRF Rogue Pro. This feature is very useful if you don’t know a device’s data rate, in which case the Rogue can detect it automatically. 

Here’s how to use the data rate detection feature.

First of all go to the Rx/Tx tab. Set the frequency on which the signal is, and you can see the Measure button.

PandwaRF Rogue data rate measurement  

In the demo we tried this feature by clicking the button and transmitting a message with a random remote.

We could see that the data rate of the transmission was measured and set quickly. For our remote it seemed to be around 2069 bits/s. The value can change slightly from one measurement to another. A difference of plus or minus 50 bits/s is not significant.

For the last measurement we changed the displayed value and we got the result 2037 bits/s.

PandwaRF Rogue data rate measurement

So now you don’t need to know the data rate; PandwaRF Rogue will do it for you.

Thanks for watching!